
Previously: so, that was my son’s psychosis – contagious and pstigmatic…

“Hugging Barbed Wire” was written by Owen (16) about his brother Ross becoming psychotic at 20. Hugging barbed wire was also how it felt to be a parent, desperately hanging onto your son throughout a 3 year psychotic sentence.

A lot went wrong, and I really wish I’d known then what I know now. This is my displacement activity, to get something positive out of the experience, an experience that has included a remarkable reaction from people to whom I have told parts of the story in public. Hence this. We can change the way society thinks –  I’ve seen a theatre full of mental health professionals brought to the verge of tears listening to the music…

Frankly, if you’re going to be mentally ill, make sure it’s something sexy like “Fry’s Syndrome”, advertised on TV as a sign of creativity and intelligence with dark and interesting interludes, (being slightly BP is fine –  unless you’re in oil). Don’t, in a moment of madness, opt for other forms of psychosis or schizophrenia…

Time to Change TV Campaign – see us in the ad….
We were invited to appear in the campaign. Launched in January 2013, this shows that you don’t need to be an expert to talk about mental health, that even small gestures can provide life changing support. More on Time to Change>


  •  Stigma and ignorance cost Ross 3+ years of his life – and is now costing him much more…
  • Implementing the Mental Health Act in a way that stops professionals helping intelligent young people is intellectually and morally reprehensible
  •  Our two sons write songs with the power to rearrange your head and, that could, perhaps, help to promote the changes that are necessary

Previously, Ross….
…recorded an album; joined a cult; destitute in  New York; killed his guitar; arrested; forcibly sectioned; escaped; forcibly sectioned; hospitalised; depression; suicidal…

…but then
We performed anti-stigma Hugging Barbed Wire shows in schools; Ross and Owen had a rock band; he taught guitar for the mental health services and a youth club, am-dram and a stand-up comedy course; we’ve also performed at various mental health conferences…

Make use of site material…
This site includes unique material (some of it harrowing) that we’ve recorded and developed along the journey to here. We’d like to put it to as much good use as possible. Contact me if you’d like access to any of the site material, to discuss projects where I may be able to help – or if you can help us get the music and material out there….